...ready to be inspired

general conference means a weekend full of home-baked cinnamon rolls, reunions, crafting, family, cuddling, two whole days of uninterrupted husband time, dinners-out, motivation and inspiring words. can't wait. currently searching the internet for conference activities for my little ones.

i'll be tuning in tomorrow!


  1. sounds like a fabulous weekend! i hope you get to enjoy every second!!

  2. so looking forward to this weekend! hope yours is great!

  3. Today was great! I liked Elder Bednar's talk best.

  4. bednar's talk was my favorite too. i also loved scotts.

  5. What a great weekend. It's so nice to be inspired on the couch in sweatpants. Cinnamon rolls sound like the perfect treat for the occasion.

    P.S. Beautiful blog!

  6. i just had a reader tell me they have a bowl of candy and then have key words to listen for in the conference addresses. every time they hear a keyword they get a piece of candy. she said her kids are GLUED to the talks the entire time. mine's not old enough yet and conf is over, but next time and when mine's older i'm all over it!


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