...my support system

Christmas: the most wonderful time of the year. Right? Stress-free, full of fireside chats and relaxing, peaceful snowy nights? The season of watching happy movies while cuddling with your love and sipping hot-chocolate with extra whipped cream? The time of the year where you smile at your kids' excitement while they lick that candy cane's end into an extra-sharp point? (Did you used to do that? I did...)

I had great plans this year to enjoy all of those things. I was going to get my house decorated the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas shopping done before December arrived, and freelance designs done before December 10th. Lofty goals that didn't come to fruition. My tree was up a week into December, but is only half decorated. (The thought of taking all those decorations down with a new baby made my husband and me stop half way into it.) The rest of my Christmas decor boxes remain unopened. (With Christmas being only a week away, I'm guessing they'll stay that way until next year.) Christmas shopping is now done, but only just. Who knew a 2-year-old boy could be so hard to shop for? And my design jobs? Well...I'm racing to finish them before this little bean makes his first appearance.

And then, a few very hard/stressful things happened recently. Nothing worth sharing, just hard. I tried to get over it on my own, thinking my little trials didn't matter. How could I worry so much about these little things when I have family/friends who are going through so much more than I? I felt selfish and silly for crying over these little stresses. I felt like I wasn't allowed to share what I was going through because it paled in comparison to others' pain and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

A relaxing holiday season? Not so much...

I know I don't often write downer posts; I usually have no need to. My life is simple and happy. I try to find glamour in the mundane and magic in the everyday. (And really, I am still happy...just worried.) The real reason I am writing this post is to tell you how grateful I am for 3 things. The three things that always get me through these hard times.

First, my kids. They don't let me sulk. When I would like to stay in my jammies all day, they remind me that I have a reason to get up. I have to take care of them and I am so grateful that they get me moving, smiling and laughing.

Second, my church. I am so grateful for my church leaders. For their inspiring talks and their words of wisdom that seem to be talking directly to me. I am grateful for prayer and the compassion of my Savior who understands. My trials are never too trivial for Him. He always listens and comforts.

Third, my husband. J is the kindest, most compassionate person. He adores me as much as I do him. (It is so nice to be adored...) We are in love completely. He is dreamy and good looking, but also thoughful and spiritual. He keeps our family together. He is the best. During this hard time, he has been so patient and kind, offering a listening ear and a hug whenever I needed one.

And, just so you know, life is looking up. I am working though it. I still have grand plans for a stress-free Christmas and happy parties with family. I can't wait to see my kids' faces Christmas morning and for the yummy Bliss Family Dinner that night. With my support system, things are bound to be wonderful.

Now...on to happier topics. Can't wait to show you a belated birthday present that arrived. I am over-the-moon excited.


  1. I can only say that your post echoed my exact feelings and struggles. I've longed for the ease and joy of the holidays, but instead it has been stressful and harried. But like you, I have a wonderful husband and children who love me and make me laugh.

  2. I am sorry you are having some hard times. It is wonderful to have such a great support system to get you through.

    I hope your holidays are stress free and full of cheer and joy. Merry Christmas.

  3. sorry to hear you're having a rough time. i hope your holiday season starts to look up soon... merry christmas, hannah. your little family is adorable.

  4. I often feel the same during the holidays. Too many things piled on each other. I am glad things are looking up, though. I am thinking about you!

    (And so glad I won the giveaway! I'll email you today!)


  5. sad to hear things aren't so merry. i hope you get to put your feet up and enjoy the weekend. like you say, just being together is all that matters. rest up before your newborn takes over your new year! xo.

  6. Hang in there. You are awesome and I'm so glad you get so much support from your wonderful family. I'll be thinking of you today and hope your day gets much brighter as Christmas approaches! FYI, not much Christmas decorations got up over here either! We have a sparkling 3 ft. pink tree instead of our normal 6 ft. live green one. Next year... :D

  7. What a bummer to hear that you are going through a taugh time. But I am sure with all that support and love around you Christmas will be wonderful.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. stress free christmas for me happened by chance only. we had no money and thus told our families there were no presents this year. we were spending $30 on brennan's stocking and that was it. it has been the most enjoyable season! good thing our kid is too young to know;-)


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