...merry christmas, one and all

Signing on today to wish you all a very merry Christmas. Our December has been filled with ups and downs, of wonderful learning experiences and acts of service. We've grown closer to our Savior as we relied on him a little more heavily this month. As I think upon my recent sorrows and joys, I am grateful. Grateful for my faith and my Savior's love. Maybe it was meant to be, this spiritual growth at this particular time. Christmas is more this year because of it. A little more about Christ and a little less about the secular.

Last night, we hosted my family's annual Christmas Devotional. It was so wonderful to get together, eat soup and bread and talk about the true Meaning of the Season; the reason Christmas is celebrated. No gifts were exchanged, no money was spent. Just good-ol' family bonding. My dad, the devotional extrodinaire, narrated the nativity as the children (and some adults) played the various roles. My sweet daughter played Mary; a perfect part for the baby-loving beauty. 2-year-old C played a shepherd, but thought he was a pirate. He stole the show with his "Aye-Aye"s, "Arrrrgh"s and attempted sword fights. Oh, that kid...he is ALL boy and a tad irreverent.

Every word of the story may not have been heard, but I think the kids understood the message. Christmas is not just about Santa and presents; it is about something far more precious than that. Christmas is for remembering our Savior, His plan and His love.

May the true spirit of the season be in your homes this holiday and may peace reside in your hearts.
Much love,


  1. What beautiful children! I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas as well.

  2. beautiful. beautiful. beautiful. merry christmas.

  3. Ditto to what everyone else said...beautiful pictures! I hope your Christmas was fabulous. Sorry to hear about your struggles too, I hope you are okay! You are allowed to vent and we're all here for ya. That's what friends are for. You're always so uplifting and fun, I hope everything is okay :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Nice pictures. I love it.. very creative.


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