Books On Tape. This new mom's lifesaver

I love books and I adore reading. When my first child was born, I read 18 books in the first month while I fed and snuggled her. I read almost as many with my second. It is such a sweet, relaxing time of motherhood. Right? RIGHT??

I was blessed with two angel-babies and expected my third to be the same. But, although adorable, he came out a bit of a cranky-pants. (Oh, you mothers of colicky babies who I never understood, I DO now.) This little one has stomach issues and my only relief from his crying was the car. I frequently took my kids on rides in the car. The older ones played with toys and mini-man slept. (Oh the silence! It was music. Beautiful, beautiful music.) Sometimes, I popped in one of my books-on-tape from the library. I have been through quite a few now and am ADDICTED. The picture above shows the ones I have listened to in the last couple weeks. (Well, fine...the bottom two are my husband's, but they made the picture's composition look better.) This is a trick I highly recommend to all you moms-of-fussy-babies.

If any of you have book recommendations, please let me know. I need to reserve some more at the library asap! I only have 30 minutes left!

FYI: In the past couple weeks, my little cute stinker has FINALLY decided not to cry for the majority of his wakeful hours. Phew! He is a happy little guy, although I can tell he is still having stomach pains and it breaks my heart. We are going to pick up some gripe water like so many of you suggested today and see if it helps.


  1. Have you tried listening to any podcasts? They are GREAT listening. Browse the itunes store, they are pretty much all free. If you don't have an ipod, you can download them and burn them to CD!

  2. circle of friends by maeve binchy. little women by louisa may alcott. the poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver. great idea.

  3. do you have an audible account? it has saved my life. i loved meeting you in person tonight at Kellys.


  4. I am a total audiobook fiend. I really liked "Outliers" recently. "The Wednesday Wars" is one of my all-time favorite books and the audio is excellent. So is "Hattie Big Sky."

  5. We actually download them from itunes- brown bear, brown bear, etc.,.

    So fun meeting you last night.


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  7. My mom really liked the audiobook recording of The Help. The book was great.

    I loved listening to all the Harry Potters and the LOTR series and the hobbit, the narration was fabulous.

    My brother liked the Hunger Games series audiobooks, and My fav audiobook is Sissy Spacek doing To Kill a Mockingbird. She has the best voice ever.

    Can you tell I'm more picky about who is reading it than what the book is actually about?

  8. And The Sweetness at the bottom of the pie.

  9. What Nora Ephron book is that? I recently read her "I feel bad about my neck" and loved it... It helps that she has directed a few of my all time favorite movies :)

  10. I'd recommend Podcast. This is very good source of audio and video media collections. I do use podcast if I miss reading books.

  11. I do a lot of driving in my car and I don't know what I would do without books on tape and podcast.


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