Casual Blogger Conference. Are you going?


I've never been a conferencing blogger. I've been invited to several, but not until now did I feel one really "fit." That is, until I found the Casual Blogging Conference. It is for the everyday blogger that most of us are, and for those who want to take their blog to the next level. (I am most excited about the writing classes!)

The 2010 Casual Blogger Conference has some amazing speakers lined up and I can't wait to learn from them! The conference promises that "you'll learn how to find your niche, grow your readership, jump start your blog income, manage your time, and build better personal and business relationships!" Sounds PERFECT!

Get your ticket now for the first annual Casual Blogger Conference on May 28th and 29th by clicking on the button in my sidebar or at the bottom of this post.

I so hope that I will get to meet many of you there!!

Casual Bloggers Conference


  1. I am going to go to at least one of the two days. I have never been to a blog conference before, this will be my first.

  2. The two links in your post took me to some other site that seemed a little 'fishy' to me so I clicked on the button on your blog itself and that one worked. Just thought I'd give you a heads up in case those links aren't right.

  3. Thanks, Kristi. I think I fixed it.

  4. Yay, Jill!! I am so excited you are going. I can't wait to meet you.

  5. Sounds like a perfect conference for me. Too bad I'm geographically challenged.

  6. Oh how I wish I were going! Are you going for the entire conference, or just for Saturday?

  7. How fun you decided to go!

    Be sure to take notes for those of us who can't make it.

  8. This sounds like alot of fun! I agree take lots of notes to share with those who can't make it:-)

  9. I'll make sure to post my notes!

  10. I'd like to go to CBC but it's my husband's birthday weekend. I'd originally planned on presenting, but when I realized the dates colliding like that, I pulled back.

    Hope it's a fab conference! Maybe next time...


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