Crocheting. A new obsession

These pictures sum up my weekend. Whenever my poor husband tried to talk to me, he was rudely ignored. Not on purpose, mind you; my brain was just engaged otherwise. It took a few "Hannah? Hannah?? Hannah????"'s to get my attention. When I get wrapped up in something, it is hard to divert my focus. I spent most of the weekend listening to a book-on-tape ( on ipod) and crocheting a cute little stripped blanky for my new babe. The blanket is nearly finished. Debating on the border color. Dark gray or brown? At the moment, I am leaning towards gray.

(Thanks to Kelly for teaching me to crochet last Thursday. I am officially obsessed.)
I did stop the yarn work for a few hours, though. A few other weekend happenings...

--Took a lovely drive with the family to enjoy this beautiful almost-spring weather.
--Planned the garden. Daughter wants corn; son wants grapes.
--Made a batch of my gma's oatmeal cookies. Delish! I ate one after exercising this morning. It probably destroyed any of the good the workout did. Le sigh.


  1. that blanket turned out very cute. Great job! I vote for a dark grey border.

  2. Good job! I wish I had this kind of creativity. Or patience..

  3. You just learned last Thursday and you're already done with a blanket? Yowza! I'm impressed!

    Beautiful colors, by the way.

  4. oh, Tiffany. Anyone who knows how to crochet would look at that blanket and immediately know I am an beginner. The whole thing is a double crochet. Don't be too impressed. ;)

  5. You planted your garden? Holy crap. I'm pretty sure my fingers would fall off if I went outside and tried to work in the dirt right now. Am jealous.

  6. oh, no no, Mandy. Just planned the garden. ;) We won't plant for a month or so.

  7. PLANNED. Yes, now I see. Apologies. :) No longer jealous.

  8. I love the blanket! I like that it's just a double crochet (whatever that is!). I think that simple is soooo nice. I'm a lover of green and brown but I like your gray idea... I vote for that. And I think that I really need to learn how to crochet now!

  9. I know how to crochet and when I look at the blanket, I'd say it looks great. =) Love the colors.
    And the granny square looks great, too. What do you have planned for it? Make a blanket out of a couple of granny squares?

  10. Eeny: The granny square is what Kelly taught me to make last Thursday, so right now, it is just a square. My daughter wants me to make a blanket of "rainbow squares," so it may go into that. Who knows. ;)

  11. a while back when you said you were learning to knit I debated between knitting and crocheting... deciding ultimately on crocheting. this blanket is too cute! well done.

  12. you just learned last thursday?! i am so impressed. you've got the crafting gift!

  13. Hannah! your blanket is so cute. I would love to know what is in your garden, I am trying to plan one right now.

  14. OMG! You're amazing! Everything looks great! Would not believe you just learned to crochet less than a week ago!

  15. whoa! love the blanket. i picked up knitting over christmas break and learned to crochet a while ago, but i haven't crocheted anything big yet. i am loving the idea of a colorful striped blanket. thanks for the inspiration!

  16. Great job. I need to learn that too. I have several blankets that my great-grandmother crocheted.
    My vote is the brown.

  17. This is gorgeous. I haven't crocheted for years but you make me want to learn all over again. Thanks for following my blog.


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