
In my height of health-freak-ness, I was a water-a-holic. (In my health-counselor days...) It was a serious problem. I never went anywhere without a water bottle in hand. (Well, except for church. Breaking out a water bottle in church meetings is just...inappropriate in my mind. But that is not what this post is about, nor do I want to debate that subject.)

Anyway...I think one of the main reasons I was such a water fan was because I adored my water bottle. It was a lovely bottle with a perfect lip. That is...until my husband froze it and it cracked when he put it under hot water. That was a sad, sad day. It served me well for 2 years and I haven't been able to find a replacement that I loved quite as much. (Which consequently led to the dehydrated state my body is currently in.)

But, recently I have found the PERFECT bottle. Even better than my first love!! It has a straw that you can remove. So, on days I am feeling dainty and proper, I can drink through the straw while reading a book in my lounge chair. Or...on my pregnant, overheated, big-as-a-whale days, I can pull that sucker out of there and guzzle.

So, farwell pink Nalgene bottle. I will miss you and you were well loved. Goodbye dehydrated pregnant body. I have moved on to bigger and better things.


  1. I love mine! It's like a big kid sippy cup.

    ps. Did you see my email? Would you want to drive up together? We could meet at the bottom of Provo Canyon.

  2. we have 2 of those and we love them. the kids love them too. sayer drank out of one of them before he drank from a sippy cup.

  3. These are the same water bottles we have, and I love them! Have yet to find anything better.

  4. Just out of curiosity - did you notice much of a difference when you did drink lots of water.
    When I used to (whisper it) work in a proper office for a living, I had access to one of those water-coolers and used to get my quota of 8 glassess a day. Now that I've been at home for 7 years and frequently only drink one cup of tea a day (I know, I know) I can't say that I really notice that much of a difference... Just curious?

  5. Yes...I do notice a difference. My hair is dryer, nails are more brittle, and I am not a slim as I once was. (Water suppresses hunger...) A lot of times when we think we are hungry, we are actually thirsty. Also...it helps flush out things in our body we don't need. Water is wonderful for you!

    Uh oh...I am starting to talk like a health counselor again.

  6. love it! I think it's even perfect for a nursing mother like me who is constantly thirsty!

  7. Scott has one of those and I love it! The nicest part is that you can take a swig much more discretely [like if you're an awful person like me and want to drink water in church - please still be my friend - haha].

  8. Amy: As long as it isn't during sacrament meeting...I think I can forgive you. ;)

  9. I hope you have good luck with your camelbak........our bite valves start to leak after a while.

    I love my Intak bottle made by Thermos.......you can get them at Target(another good reason to go shopping!)

    Congrats on your pregnancy....how exciting!


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