
Remember how I was only window shopping? I wasn't going to spend any money?

I have a confession. I just couldn't handle the temptation. I justified it by telling myself it will be the the motivation I need to get my pre-third-baby-body back.

I bought THE DRESS.
And...I don't feel bad about it.


  1. Oh my gosh, so cute! Ever since I saw that dress I am been wanting it too, though I might sew mine.

  2. I wouldn't. It's cute. Did it arrive yet? I can't wait to see it in person... and borrow it??? :)

  3. That dress is soooo cute! You shouldn't feel bad about it, you deserve it! Hmmmm, I wonder if I could pull that off. You've got everyone wanting it now :o)

  4. Good for you! It really is a fantastic dress! Enjoy it!

  5. so say that someone you knew had that dress too... would said person be in trouble?

  6. uh oh! Did I copy you, Tami? Lets wear them on the same day, okay? Then we can look really cool at church...

  7. That dress is so cute, you just had to buy it. No one can blame you for that!!

  8. Gorgeous! You're going to look great. :)

  9. I love love this dress! I bought it the day it came out and haven't regretted a moment of it!

  10. It's so classy! I'm nuts about shabby apple. How are you going to stand not wearing it until you're post-preggo?!

  11. That was worth whatever it cost! SO cute!!


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