...i love you

I walked down the halls of BYU-Idaho and caught a glimpse of you. My heart skipped a beat and i couldn't stop smiling. I could see in the way you walked that you were excited to see me too. Your steps looked more like bounds as you walked towards me, smiling. I thought that I loved you then.

Remember that night we spent all evening together? You went home around midnight and immediately called me. We hadn't had our fill of each other yet. We didn't stop talking until it was time to get ready for class the next morning. I hung up and the phone instantaneously rang. "I forgot to say one thing," you said "I love you!" I melted. I thought I loved you then.

We were on our way to St. George to spend the week with my family at the condo. You proposed. My heart started beating too quickly and I had to tell myself to calm down. "OF COURSE!" was my answer. I thought that I loved you then.

It was the big day. You looked beautiful to me. You were the only one I could see. I couldn't help but stare at you and smile. I was so happy and felt incredibly lucky. Married for time and all eternity sounded just about perfect to me. I thought that I loved you then.

Last night, I peaked in the baby room. There you were, one kid on each knee reading a book. Our cute little girl was cuddled up under your neck and the boy was sitting looking like a mini-you, idolizing his daddy. Tears welled in my eyes as I watched you be a fabulous father. So patient and kind. I'm in love with you, J. I couldn't love you more than I do now. (But...I have said that before, haven't I?)


  1. I love it. So sweet - isn't it true? It is amazing how love can grow and grow!

  2. Oh this was the most lovely thing to read on a Tuesday night. Off to Google Reader to share it.

  3. so sweet! reminds me of that new song by brad paisley. you sure married a keeper. those craner's know how to grow 'em.

  4. I'll have to look up that song! I love Brad Paisley...so I am glad it reminded you of him!

  5. Hey Hannah! Great post! And that pic needs framed if it isnt already ;-) Just stopping by to say Hi, and can't wait to hang out on Friday! K bye :)

  6. That is really sweet Hannah...

  7. That was sweet. I had tears in my eyes.

  8. Oh hannah, that is so sweet. I love it. I love you. And I love Jason too. Not in a hannah way, but in a next-door-neighbor coolest dude ever sort of way. ;)

  9. What a sweet post and a picture that really captures the moment! Jason is a great dad/husband!


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