
Happy Pioneer Day, Utah! My, how I love this holiday! Family, food, parades, fireworks, games...

We spent the day with my wonderful sister and her darling family. My sister, the cooking goddess, made some FANTASTIC baby-back ribs and coleslaw and I provided all the produce. (There is nothing better than sweet Utah corn. Well...except for Utah peaches. Those are straight from heaven.) It was delightful and delicious.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. We are going to continue celebrating tomorrow. (I even bought rodeo tickets!! In the grandstand! Wahoo! My husband introduced me to rodeos after we were married and I fell IN LOVE.)

PS...I have been featured over at So Buttons. Thanks, cute Meg!!

1 comment

  1. How fun :) Utah sweet corn and peaches do sound like a bit of heaven right now.


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