...window shopping

Yes, it is true. We have many expenses coming up this year. I have a dentist appointment in 2 weeks for a threatening root canal. (Pray for me!) We are in desperate need of a second car. (Can you believe that we have lived through 7 years of marriage without owning a second car in a public transportation-less city? I hate cars...) J signed up to start his second post-bachelors degree. (I think he wants to kill me.) And, the exciting one, we have baby #3 coming!! Lots of money money money for starving students like ourselves.

I am not a big shopper. I love wandering quaint antique shops and modern boutiques, but I am not the type to spend my free time at the mall. I just don't enjoy it. However, when I am low on funds, shopping becomes a passion. Maybe it is because I like to torture myself by walking through the Nordstom shoe section and find the perfect pair just to have my conscience say, "What about saving for that baby in your tummy or the dumb van that you need to buy??"

So, window shopping has become a favorite pasttime. And, as a result of all this window shopping, I have started a new wishlist.

I have been doing some design work for Shabby Apple lately and have fallen deeply in love. DEEEPLY. I am struggling not to spend all our car money on dresses, shoes and bags. (Have I told you that I hate cars? Cause I do.) And...their fall line comes out in August. (I LOVE fall clothes and accessories. They are the most redeeming thing about the cold weather.)
Here are some of my favorite things. If I didn't have this growing belly bump, I probably would buy that dress right now. I love it! And, aren't those shoes to die for?
dress | shoes | bag

Have you ever shopped the Target jewelry section? I hadn't until last week. (Can you believe that? Accessory obsessed me??) I usually go to Target with my kids to let them run off steam and the jewelry section isn't the safest place for a crazy 2-year-old and a prissy, princess wanna-be 4-year-old. My husband saved the day last week and let me do a little kid-less grocery shopping at Target. So, with a basket-full of eggs, milk and naan, I meandered my way to the accessory isle. Holy Macaroni! Cute, CHEAP stuff! I'm a sucker for big earrings...
Top Pair | Middle Pair | Bottom Pair

When I am pregnant, I am even more obsessed with food than normal. (It is possible!) It consumes my thoughts. (Half the time I wish I could stop thinking about it because I end up making a quick dash to the bathroom at the thought. How I hate this nausea.) Williams Sonoma and I have become best friends. They always serve me yummy samples that sit well with my weak stomach as I walk in the door. I have been dreaming of paninis lately and soon added a panini press to my wish-list right along side this clear-bowl kitchenaide.

Oh...and I'd like to send a special thank you out to my mom. She called me this morning to tell me about a great deal on a cruise that I "need to go on" in August. So tempting...soooo tempting. I can't.

Mom! Please. Don't tempt me anymore. (I love you!)

My most commonly said phrase in the past 2 months: "Someday, when I am rich."


  1. I LOVE that KitchenAid!! I am right there with you. I love window shopping, especially online.

  2. Really all I can say is AMEN SISTA! AMEN. You let me know when you need another stop by W.S. I LOVE IT THERE! and sine we are one car type people too you will be happy to know I have the car and there is room for all of us! :) If nothing else let me know when you have time for meaningless and pointless conversation-- I will be over in a heart beat.

  3. Tami, my dear, I am ALWAYS ready for a little meaningless conversation and williams sonoma. I'll give you a call. :)

  4. love the dress, love the jewelery, LOVE the panini press! :) of course

  5. I would totally window shop with you anytime! I love all your finds. Ah, for "someday" to come! Congrats again on your pregnancy!

  6. Fun stuff!!! I love your posts when you show things you've bought, or WANT to buy!! It's fun to see your style, because I LOVE it too!

  7. I love Shabby Apple! I recently discovered it but wish I had enough money to just go crazy and buy whatever I want!! hahah

  8. Thank you for introducing me to Shabby Apple! Love love love it.


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