Weekend Wrap-Up. i heart maternity leave

Oh, last weekend of maternity leave...you were wonderful.

--Watched the 2nd installment of Emma which proved to be quite delightful.
--Received two sweet letters from friends and a birthday present in the mail. (I actually love late birthday presents. Spreading them out seems like a good idea to me!)
--Almost finished crocheting a baby blanket. Will post pictures of the completed project this month.
--Watched HSN while family was out. Somehow, I am always tempted by that channel. They sell a bunch of things I don't need, yet they almost talk me into it every time. Almost bought this.
--Saved son's hand from the tourniquet he made around his wrist. (Woke up this morning to him crying "owie!" He put a 1/2 inch hair-elastic around his wrist and slept with it on all night. His hand was doubled in size and hard. This is a picture of it 18 hours later. You can't tell, but it is still pretty swollen. Oh that boy! I feel like I am always saving his life.)


  1. Like Grandma says, "Motherhood is just goin' around savin' lives!" You will probably need to do it more with that little stinker than most :) But oh he's so cute!

  2. Oh boy, I don't know what I would do...that is scary...his poor hand looks really sad, he sure is a cutie though!

  3. I'm loving the new Emma too! Just can't get enough of Jane Austen movies!


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