Resolutions. a little late

I've been on a real-life-strike since having the baby. I've crafted, read good books and enjoyed the smell of my newborn's breath. (Does anyone else love that smell??) I've counted his tiny fingers and toes about a billion times. He seems so perfect. I'm truly blessed! Life with 3 kids is proving to be more challenging than I anticipated. My house is a little less clean, my food is a little less gourmet, and my hair is a little less groomed. My mom, who has been playing the role of our chef/maid over the past 3 weeks, flew home last Tuesday. Oh, how I miss my mom's food! I attempted cooking for the first time post-baby this weekend and missed my mom all the while.

I took January off. I am the new years resolution queen and I didn't even make any! My only goal was to enjoy my growing family. But alas, the honeymoon is over. Time to get a move on.

I actually love setting goals. I rock at making resolutions, but accomplishing them is another story. Most years, I make a list of 30-40 lofty resolutions that are just too much for anyone. Then, when the year is over, I look back over my resolutions and feel like a failure.

Not this year! I am not going to make year-long goals. I find maintaining the initial motivation for them impossible. This year, I am going to set monthly goals. 5 measurable monthly goals, to be exact. (I will not have a goal to "Be more spiritual." My goal will be, "Read the first two books in the scriptures." I won't say, "Get my pre-baby-body back." It will be, "Lose 5 lbs this month.") I will set them on the first of every month, starting now.

Wanna join me? Click on the image below, print on a pretty colored paper, fill out your goals and your game-plan in the calendar, and hang it in a prominent location as a reminder.
I will post these on the first day of every month in 2010. I hope they help you and me keep our goals through out the year.

Here's to 2010!


  1. I'm with ya! Works so much better when you know others are doing it and you have someone to check in with!

  2. What a great idea - I'm with you! So glad to hear your kids are all loving each other so much!

  3. I am SO this way. Last year I made a huge list of resolutions and failed at most. I love the idea of setting small goals each month!

  4. This is a great idea! I'm horrible at keeping resolutions, so I never make any. I think I can do this!

  5. I always make way too many goals that are just too out of reach. So this year I made 3 attainable goals. Breaking into months is a great idea.

  6. I just printed mine off and now I have to think of some goals...I like the idea of doing goals every month, they seem more reachable when you reflect on them monthly instead of yearly

  7. There is nothing sweeter than a little baby's breath! Loved it :)

  8. That's too bad you couldn't take more time off to get a little more adjusted! I think maternity leave in Europe is like 6 or 9 months. So awesome.

  9. Love the calendar. Goal setting is so huge... i need to do it more! :)

  10. The monthly goals are a great idea and VERY realistic. I hope to join in soon.

  11. I did something similar to this last year although I only made it through about half the year. I am confident you will not be like me. :) That printable list alone is highly motivating!

  12. Brilliant!
    One year my only resolution was to set goals and reevaluate them monthly. It was so refreshing to start each month new, and so much more was accomplished.

    Thanks for the wonderful little chart to keep track of it all. The 'measurable' part of it is so genious but so necessary! Thanks for sharing!

  13. OK.... I guess first I'll introduce myself and say HI! I'm Monica, or just Mo to almost everyone.
    Next, I am in love with your monthly goal calendar. What a fantastic idea to break it down....THANK YOU so much for sharing.
    Would you mind if I did a bloggy post on this and linked to yours? Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  14. What a great idea! I have a hard time setting goals because the goals I set are not a bit unclear on how I can achieve them. Ex Be more spiritual. :) I can set it to reading 2 verses every day:) lol It is such an easy solution but I never thought of it that way!

  15. Thanks for the download. I can't wait to print it out!

  16. I set more realistic goals this year - 10 lbs instead of 50.
    Reading two non-fiction to every fiction.
    Write my personal history - now there's one I can set monthly goals for.

  17. What a cool idea! I love the calendar. Monthly goals seem way more manageable.

  18. i love the idea of monthly resolutions. seems much more attainable, somehow. thanks for sharing this!


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