...oh, boy!

J is so excited to have another son. My daughter is sad about having another boy in the house. My little guy is oblivious. I am thrilled!

I better start searching for a boy name that I like. Why are boy names so hard??


  1. That is awesome! Congrats! We were the opposite...We couldn't think of any girl names so I figured we were having a boy. But we are having a girl...and I believe I am just a few weeks behind you! How fun!!!

  2. Great news! Boys are the best.

  3. Boys are so much easier than girls. It will be so fun!

  4. yay, we love having boys! but we're stumped on the whole name thing as well!

  5. YAY HANNAH!!! I love little boys! I think they are the cutest. Girls are cute too but ya, partial to those little boys. How exciting. I think boy names are easier than girl names... but maybe I'm just weird.

  6. Maybe with another boy around, C won't tease E so much... congrats!

  7. Hooray! They will destroy everything you own, but little boys are so sweet.

  8. Oh congrats!! I have sure loved having my boy and i think having 2 in a row would be heavenly!

  9. C needed a little brother to pick on anyway. Way to go on providing yet another boy in this family to carry on the Craner name. I'm excited to meet the little guy!

  10. Congrats - boys are very special to their mommys.

  11. Yeah for boys!! Everyone tells me it will be great because your boy will have another one to play with....either way if you home is like ours E will still be the boss.

  12. Looks like are familys are going to be pretty similar. I know how Emma was feeling because Brinlee was the same way. She will get over it soon. I love having two boys in a row and you will too. Congratulations on the news!!

  13. Congratulations! Two boys together will be adorable (although I have boy, girl, boy, and so far that's working out well.) Either way, the third is always a super happy baby, from what I've seen.

  14. Congratulations! That's great new :)

  15. Congratulations! Boy names are hard to pick, good luck!

  16. Hoorah! We always find boy names more difficult, too. My runner up for Silas was Abram (Abe).
    Anyway - congrats!!!

  17. delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS!

  18. hooray for you. boy names are hard because: they sound either way too traditional and common, or way too trendy and common and perhaps ridiculous.

  19. Congrats on having a baby boy! Have you had any ideas for names yet?

  20. Congrats! Boy's names just aren't has much fun to think about for some reason. But I'm sure you'll find a cute one.


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