...a getaway!

Hubby and I are off on a weekend jaunt without the little ones to celebrate our anniversary. 7 years ago on Saturday, I married my best friend in the beautiful Salt Lake Temple. I still adore him!


  1. Happy Anniversary. I've been married 7 years, too. ;)

  2. What a Beautiful Picture!! Did you take it? Can I Buy a Print?

  3. Oh. And Happy Anniversary!

  4. oh, amber! that is so nice! i shot that image while in salt lake city with my family a few weeks ago. It was such a pretty day!

    i am totally flattered that you want a print. email me and i'll get it to you.

  5. Hey Anniversary! We share the same anniversary. 11 years for us on Sat. Have a great jaunt. ;)

  6. Hoorah! We just celebrated our 10th over the weekend. Ain't love grand?


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