...anniversary present shopping

I am trying to pick out the gift I want my husband to give me for our anniversary next week. (I know...not very romantic. We are really not into surprises. I would rather buy him exactly what he wants and he feels the same about me.)

I have narrowed it down to shoes. (Big surprise, huh?) We are going hiking for our anniversary trip and my hiking shoes are on the fritz. So the practical option would be these hiking shoes.

BUT...I really want these. So pretty. Lovely color. Heavenly.

My husband would be much more excited about buying me the hiking shoes. sigh. Shoes...why do you do this to me?


  1. I know it may seem frivolous, but can't you have both??? Maybe the cute blue ones could a "pregnancy" gift?

  2. Yes, I agree. Both will cover a practical gift and a romantic gift.

  3. I like the way you think, Johanna! Wish I didn't have guilt about asking for two things. ha!

  4. Aren't you afraid of breaking in new shoes on a hicking trip? I vote for the blue pair!

  5. You MUST get the Keen's....the are the best!

    Spring rolls look delish!

  6. I really like the idea of a hiking trip on anniversary. I always prefer to wear perfect hiking shoes. First pair would be a nice choice.


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