...memorial day

My flowers are budding!!

Memorial Day is my 2nd favorite holiday. (My 1st favorite is the 4th of July.)

Why, you ask, would Memorial Day be my favorite holiday?? To me, it means warm weather is here. It USUALLY means I can finally turn the heat off. It means I can finish planting my garden and sleep outside on my new lounge chair. It means I can eat hamburgers from our grill.

On Memorial Day, we visit grandparent's, great-grandparents and great-great grandparents graves and place flowers. We tell stories about them. We sometimes cry because we miss them, but mostly we laugh and smile at the memories.

I love holidays that don't include presents. Holidays that a centered around family and food. Memorial day is a holiday that my husband gets off work...and he works almost as much as I do. (But at an office away from home, so it is oh-so-sad!) I relish in this time with the whole family. I think a family bike ride is in order.

I may be away for the weekend. My parents are flying in from Hawaii for the blessing of my sweet new niece, Lei! I can't wait for this non-stop family time!


  1. Wow a family bike right sounds awesome!! I'm excited to do that with my kids when they are older! Hope you enjoy this weekend with your family!


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