But, in the process of regaining my unproductive day goal, I am going to do a tag post. First, because they are fun and easy. Second, because I liked reading marta's answers and wanted to play along.
It would thrill me to read your responses if you wish to do this on your blog!
8 things i look forward to:
01. owning a 2nd car
02. summer foods: grilled corn & juicy watermelon
03. buying our first home
04. finishing my garden
05. catching up on my design jobs
06. CS4
07. memorial day breakfast in the canyon with my parents
08. summer bike rides and family camp outs
8 things i did yesterday:
01. read aloud 4 chapters of "tale of despereaux"
02. made butternut squash ravioli
03. fed the neighbor's horses some hay
04. designed 3 blogs and 2 logos
05. went on a bug hunt
06. pulled weeds
07. kissed husband goodbye 4 times (stay home! geeze-louise!)
08. played shoots and ladders
8 things i wish i could do:
01. sew clothing
02. understand the science of baking
03. cuddle my kids all day
04. chop my hair and not cry
05. hire a house cleaner
06. go on a cruise
07. add a few hours to the day
08. find time for a nap
8 shows i watch:
01. house
02. lost
03. the office
08. um...thats all. really. and I watch them on hulu. i don't watch tv. not because i don't want to, either. i just work too much and the tv is in another room.
8 posts i've starred recently in google reader:
01. some days it's target
02. modish loves: baboush
03. crea baby shoes diy kit
04. braised chicken
05. lisa rupp
06. fugzer
07. meal planning
08. menu of the week

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