...just being realistic

tomorrow's to do list:

01. hit snooze
02. hit snooze again
03. shower for too long; use all hot water before husband gets a turn
04. feel bad about hot water; apologize to husband who rolls his eyes because I did it again
05. forget to floss
06. stare at computer
07. eat breakfast when I realize no design inspiration comes this early in the morning
08. forget to charge dying cell phone
09. waste some time watching snl on hulu
10. panic from wasted day
11. chase naked boy who has discovered how to strip and pee on furniture
12. make not-so-healthy lunch for kids
13. feel guilty about the not-so-healthy lunch and give kids an apple
14. skip yoga
15. stare at computer
16. get sucked unto watching a classic flick
17. pick up scriptures
18. start dozing during first verse...but forge on for a few more
19. leave makeup on
20. sleep and dream of more productive days


  1. Loved this post. Makes me feel better about all my unproductive days. :)

  2. Haha - this made me laugh. Sounds a lot like my days lately.

  3. Ha! Your to-do list looks a little more fun than mine today! :D

  4. Ha! Love this :) I think I'll have to do one on my blog.


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