Green Eggs: WHOLE30

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today's lunch was made with the holiday in mind. It's a fun one!

I'm nearing the end of Day 4. Kinda sluggish today. A little bit cloudy and I have a some head discomfort. (Check out that compliant language, DoTerra!) Thank goodness for my essential oils that are getting me through the day. I applied peppermint to my head to relieve the discomfort I was feeling, and diffused Balance to help me handle kids when my brain was a little foggy. I'm so grateful for the physical and emotional support oils can give when you do something hard like Whole30!

These eggs are divine, ya'll. And they are a great way to get in the greens your body may be craving. My kids even like them! They have no idea how much kale is hidden inside these eggs. They do have a bit of a dryer texture than normal eggs because I like to really pack in the good stuff. It's not exactly a "recipe" per se, but in case you like instructions, here ya go:

A generous handful (1-2 c.) of your favorite greens (I used a combination of spinach, kale and chard)
4 eggs

Blend ingredients in a blender. Transfer to a pan heated to medium heat. Scramble. Enjoy! I served this with fresh tomatoes and an Whole30-compliant apple sausage.

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