Project Organize: Makeup Storage.

This week is dedicated to answering several beauty-related questions I've received on Formspring that have either popped up more than once or I thought would interest many of you. Today's question is:
I'm ashamed to say that my makeup storage is less than exciting, but it is functional and practical. I have a fair amount of makeup. More than some, I suppose. But certainly no gigantic collection. I'm a girly-girl at heart and I love beauty supplies.
See? Not really a sight to behold. (Check it out! I am unintentionally in my mirror.)

Starting on the left:

one. My mirror. I bought this beauty at Costco a year or so ago. I think it was $18-19. It lights up, but I actually don't like the light it gives off. My vanity is near a window, so I usually just keep it off and use the natural light. One side is a normal mirror. The other side is mega-magnified.

two. My brushes. I keep them in a pink mini-bucket. (Found in the dollar section of Target. I was just there tonight, and they still have them in an array of springy-colors.) The bucket is filled with floral beads so the brushes can stay standing nicely.

three. My face, single eyeshadows and other random eye products are in this plastic container. I can't wait to find a cute alternative to this unsightly plastic storage, but for now this works.

four. My palettes. There are a few eyeshadow palettes and one blush palette standing on their sides. (The Naked Palette is my fav.)

five. This container is by Studio 3 Solutions, and is called a "Color Cubby." I love it because the cubbies are on a downward slant, so nothing will fall out. They were made for storing markers and pens, but they also work great for storing eyeliners, mascaras and lipglosses.

I'd love to see how you store your makeup! I need some new ideas.


  1. Oh, I needed this one! I just got through three rooms in my house and was heading to my bathroom today :)
    Wish me luck.

  2. I use a similar plastic organizer with drawers for my makeup too! Love it!

  3. Cute bucket! I will have to go check out Target and see if I can get my paws on one!

    I have some cute fabric drawer organizers I found at TJ Maxx that I keep my every day stuff in, sitting in my cabinet drawer. I have a ceramic dish on top of of the counter with my quick go-to stuff. The rest of all my crap is in one of those train cases down in the know, stuff I should probably just throw out. :)

    Also, thanks for mentioning the floral beads. I never knew where to find those little beads or what they were called!

  4. oh goodness - i am in major need of help in the makeup department. all my makeup is through in a small bag. I say "all my makeup" but the reality is, I really only use three things daily - eye shadow, eye liner, and mascara. The same three everyday. Sometimes, if I'm feeling crazy, I use lip gloss.

    I think I need you to give me a makeup tutorial and perhaps a makeover. And then tell me what makeup I should have and how to use it...

  5. I have a large version of your plastic drawers, and that's about it. Your makeup storage is actually much neater than mine. You've inspired me... :)

  6. I like the bucket and the downward sloped cubby. I don't think you'd like my makeup storage idea though--throw everything in one of my dresser drawers!

  7. I'm so glad you posted this today! I bought some new makeup on the weekend and was trying to figure out a better way to store it all then in a container under the sink.

    Do your children every get too curious with it out and play with it?

  8. You may not think your display is great, but I love it!! I wish I had a great vanity to put my makeup on. I've just used a big bag, with several smaller bags inside that I throw in my drawer under the sink. When I did have space, a long time ago, I bought one of those plastic silverware organizers and used that, but it was less than luxurious...

  9. I love the way you have your makeup stored! It's like my dream makeup station!!

    No, you DON'T want to see how I store mine ;) It's just in a plain old makeup bag stuffed in one of my bathroom drawers. Not pretty ;)

  10. I love the way you stored your brushes. I am buying a small bucket at Target next time I am there.

  11. Wow girl! You are super organized! That's awesome.

  12. I found this great idea via It is a magnetic makeup board. I haven't made one yet for myself, but it is on my to-do list.

  13. I have the Studio 3 Solutions cubbies for my copic markers and love them. But I cannot find where to purchase them now? Where did you get yours? If I pull up Studio 3 Solutions, I get an advertisement for GoDaddy?

  14. I have that 5 drawer sterlite organizer! I got mine at Walmart but I added 3 more drawers to mine (the drawers all pop/lock into each other, pop off the flat top, and pop in some more of the same drawers.) I have about as much makeup as you do, and I'm able to fit everything into my 8 drawer stack. I need to get something for my brushes, right now I'm keeping them all in a plastic cup. I really love your idea!


Thank you for reading! I love hearing what you have to say and appreciate your comments.