On My Mind Lately.

I've had so much running through my mind lately that I've found writing to be very difficult. Jotting my scattered thoughts down in an understandable format is seemingly impossible. So...things have been rather quiet around here. Am starting to straighten out my emotions; realizing that my trials are a bit trivial compared to some. Trying to GROW from these experiences.

I'll be back in full force this week. Tomorrow, my uber-talented neighbor is going to giveaway some of her fancy-smancy jewelry. Be sure to leave a comment on that post!

The February Wplus9 release starts on Thursday and I've been in my craft studio getting ready. Seriously adorable stamp sets!

And then, of course, I'll probably try to sneak in a random post or three. Per my usual blogging style. Hoping my blogging mojo returns quickly.

Other random things that have been on my mind lately:

:: Loving my new Dark Diversion Fluidline from MAC. Haven't tried gel eyeliner? YOU MUST. I'd hurry and get your hands on the limited edition color before it disappears. It is a maroon-brown-purple color. Pretty, pretty. (Very similar in color to their Raven Eye Kohl or Sketch Eye Shadow.)

:: Totally obsessed with Pinterest since I joined in December. It's like a bulletin board. You can pin up all the fun/delicious/beautiful things you find around the web. (You can see my boards here.)

:: 1 house + 3 kids under 6 = A disaster area. Trying to rectify that equation. Spent my weekend organizing and cleaning. It is Monday morning, and my house is already in disarray. Have recommitted myself to my cleaning plan.

:: Have gone 3 weeks without eating sugar. My body feels so much better. Also avoiding all the things I am allergic to for a while; which may be helping a tad. (I'm allergic to eggs, wheat and dairy. It's not fair. Not fair at all. I ignore it most of the time. The tummy aches are worth it.)

:: Have started couponing. My husband is out of work, did you know? We are starting to feel the crunch. Major budgeting is in order. I've tried to coupon in the past, but never had a ton of luck. (Lack of organization and motivation, I suppose. I have a better motive now, so I'm hoping for some good success.)

:: Enjoying Miranda's menus of the week. Am going to join her as soon as my strict no-sugar challenge is over. She posts them on Fridays. I hope to see some of you playing along as well!

:: Booked a family vacation to Southern California. Looks like my resolution of taking the kiddos to the beach will actually come to fruition!

***Image via fffound; found by me via Pinterest.


  1. Great post! I can definitely relate to lots of what you said. I coupon too...you should check out www.freebies2deals.com along with the site you posted. Good stuff between the two of those sites.

  2. Love your 'round-up' post! Haven't Miranda's menu's been inspiring? That mega cake a couple of weeks back looked incredible!

    Well done on the sugar, I can cut it back in absolutely all ways except in my coffee and it gets me every time I try.

    Also now follow you on Pinterest - isn't it amazing!

    Happy Monday

  3. Love that quote. It's definitely easy to forget when I get so focused on my own stuff going on. Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Love catching up with you with a round-up post. And I love that print- I was journaling about that very thing last night. Think I need to find a print of it for just the reminder I need everyday.

  5. That's one of the best quotes ever! Love it! Good for you and sticking with the no-sugar thing. You are much stronger than I. And I've pretty much given up on a non-chaotic house with four kids...and two of mine are older!

  6. I can relate to your lots in your post also. Have you tried www.thekrazycouponlady.com? It has lots of good resources & info :)

  7. The saying is so true, thank you for sharing it. It really inspired my day and as well as everyone who read this.

  8. love your post, hannah-enjoy that vacation:)

  9. When I used to coupon, I used The Grocery Game.com and it really helped me find the best deals in my neighborhood. I need to get back to that...

  10. @everyone: thanks for your sweet comments and couponing tips! I'm going to check them all out!

  11. We are always short on money, I always use coupons and I love the discounts. Keep going Hannah, you are strong and you can overcome anything.

  12. i LOVE pinterest! (and am now following you!) My house is a disaster area too and I just have one husband and one crazed over-worked college student (me) living there :)

  13. I love this quote from Plato. I never get tired of reading it. I know how you feel about your stomach and allergies. I can't eat yoghurt anymore and my lactose intolerance is getting worse with age. I also am intolerant to eggs, but still eat it on occasion. Lack of will power on my part.

    Good luck with the budgeting! I'm sure you guys will do fantastic! Since moving to Italy, I've learned to live on a lot less.



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