Happy New Year.

I'm still on vacation, but I thought I'd quickly post that my holiday has been marvelous. Family, friends, food and road trips galore. I am now sporting a new pair of leather boots, a pretty white watch and a few extra pounds.

I've been thinking about my resolutions. I usually have them written by New Years Eve. Rewritten a few times by the 3rd. But this year, I've been a little more reflective. I have a lot I want to work on. But I want to keep it simple. Simplifying is always a goal of mine. I'll reveal them soon.

I do, however, know my word for the year. I've never given myself a word before, so this will be a first. The word is perfect for me. I'll tell you all about that soon as well.

My husband's classes start in two days and my parents fly home to Hawaii tomorrow. I must spend every available moment with my favorite people before they are gone. Will be back soon. Maybe with a new blog look. A redesign is on the docket.

A special new years note to you, dear reader: Thank you for being such a wonderful part of my 2010. Blogging has uplifted and comforted me during a very challenging year. I've been amazed at the friendships I've been able to develop and the opportunities that have been given to me. Thank you for reading, for commenting, for emailing. Hope you stick around in 2011.


  1. Such a sweet resolution, love it!

  2. Looking forward to finding out what your hopes and dreams are for the year ahead. Enjoy every last second of your Christmas holidays, they are over far too soon aren't they?

    Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!

  3. So sweet! I love her resolution. It is one that should be everyone's resolution.

  4. Happy New year Hannah! I can wait to see your new design

  5. happy new year, hannah! thanks for all your goodies in 2010!

  6. Cutest thing I have seen all day :)

    Enjoy your family!

  7. Great post...you're always so inspiring. I can't wait for you to get back. I miss your posts :)

  8. adorable!

    happy new year!

    xo, J :)

  9. Such a great resolution. Cute!

  10. Absolutely loved your daughter's picture, how sweet! I so enjoy reading your blog!

  11. looking forward to the new year! Love your blog! and thanks for being an inspiration :)


Thank you for reading! I love hearing what you have to say and appreciate your comments.