Happy Birthdays.

Six years ago today, I was holding a new little babe in my arms. I fell completely in love for that beautiful girl at first sight. I was overcome with emotion; terrified and overjoyed all at once. The nurses swaddled her tightly and handed her over. She seemed too tiny. I wasn't expecting her to feel so fragile. And yet, so strong. She was pink and beautiful; complete with big, blue eyes, perfect pink lips and long black eyelashes to make any woman envious. When we didn't have visitors, I held her. Just she and I in a peaceful hospital room. We'd stare at each other for hours. I fell completely in love. It felt right.

5 years later, on January 9, 2010, I became a mother of three. I didn't know my heart could feel more whole than it already was, but this new baby boy had a place to fill. With the third, I wouldn't allow the nurses to take him from my room. I knew from experience how quickly these moments pass. I didn't want him out of my sight. I wanted to study him, from his wrinkly wrists to his fuzzy blonde locks and down to his pudgy toes. I didn't want to forget his sweet nose that looked so much like his father's or his mouth that was shaped just like mine. I wanted to change every diaper, feed him every meal and hold him every moment I was allowed.

This is how things should be. This is what life is about. Siblings. Family. Children. Motherhood. Nothing compares. Nothing.

Today, as I reflect on their births, I am celebrating. This is their day, but it is also mine. These sweet children made me me. They made me a mother.

 My sweet girl.

My darling boy.


  1. Happy Birthday to your two little cuties!

    Hope you have a wonderful time celebrating all together.

  2. beautiful post!
    happy birthday to both of them.

  3. such cutie pies! happy birthday to them both!!

  4. very sweet. they will grow up fast..hug them tight.

    sandy toe

  5. Congratulations Mommy! Beautiful post. Those cupcakes look divine! XOXO

  6. Oh my, that last picture with the green frosting is THE cutest picture! What a great post.

    I so agree with it also being your day. Our baby is due on our son's birthday, and I figure if they get the same birthday, I can just tell them that it was the best day of my life twice! :)

  7. Cuties! Happy Birthday! How time sure flies.
    Thanks for your great example of motherhood - I hope to be just like you when I have three - still savoring every moment.

  8. I love birthday season for my kids- it's so special to think about how my life has changed with each child. Happy birthday to 2 out of 3 of your darlings. It's been way too long since I've seen them- and you!

  9. Happy Birthday!!
    They are absolutely GORGEOUS!

  10. Oh wow. how sweet. Happy Birthdays!

  11. oh gosh, your girl's baby picture is STUNNING! hope everyone had a great day(s).

  12. Everything you do and write is so amazing and beautiful! You have such a beautiful family, too... Hugs!

  13. Those are beautiful babies and so well written from the heart.
    Happy Birthday(s)!

  14. Your love for these kiddos shows so much! What a sweet treat that they get to share a birthday--it'll always be a bond that they share :)

  15. This is the most beautiful post that I've read in a long long time. Thanks for that Hannah... that is what it's all about! Happy Birthday to your sweet kiddos!

  16. Oh my goodness! I don't have any children but I love my nieces to death like they are mines. I love girls because that is all I have. Cherish the moments. Your family looks great.

  17. Just found your page (through stamp away) with so many beautiful cards I was just looking for more when I started reading this - just have to say I got goosebumps reading it. My little man turned 2 today so your words went straight to my heart!


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