Snow is coming this week.I'm excited.
It will make me feel more justified in putting up my Christmas decor a month early.
No, I haven't decorated yet.
But I think I will in a week.
Maybe two if I can hold out.
I am very excited for the Wplus9 release this week.
More this month than others because I designed 2 of the 4 stamp sets!
I tried to make sets that would appeal to even the non-scrapper/stamper.
So excited to see others stamp with designs I created. Oh my. What a thrill that will be!
My sets will be released in a couple days. I'll keep you informed.
Despite that exciting news, I've been quite weepy this weekend.
Remember how I was sad? And then never fessed up to why?
(Don't you hate when bloggers do that?)
I'm ready to confess; my husband lost his job.
Yes, this whole bad-economy thing stinks.
Consequently, J decided to go back to school to get his third degree.
I'm feeling a little bit like a single mother right now.
Seeing him for one hour a day just doesn't cut it for me.
But, I'm sure it will be worth it in the end.
It better be.
I get to eat sugar today.
I don't know what to indulge in first.
My kids' Halloween candy is sitting on top of the fridge, out of their reach.
But cheap-o chocolate doesn't seem indulgent enough after a 3-month sugar fast.
I've been dreaming of Red Mango and chocolate cake.
Seriously, I have.
I eat one of those two things every night in my dreams.
It's been a nightmare, actually.
Cause I wake up worried that I've cheated.
I have a feeling that Red Mango will trump chocolate cake.
I teach the 6-7 year olds in my church.
Yesterday, we were practicing for our primary program.
One of the songs touches my heart every time we sing it.
And I get teary.
And the children in my class ask me why I'm crying.
And I tell them their singing is just so beautiful.
You can hear the song here.
It is powerful.
Especially when being sung by darling kids.
To make ourselves laugh, we've been watching this.
I can't tell you how many times I've watched it.
To quote my mother about the commercial:
"The popcorn was the coup de grâce."
I agree.
It never gets old.
In fact, I think I'll watch it again right now.
Happy Monday.
a few things to note:
ReplyDelete1. Very funny promo video. Just watched it. Thanks for the link.
2. I'm sorry about your husband's job. That stinks. Good for him to go back to school. I hope it all goes well and you can enjoy those few hours a week you see him. That part really stinks! Good luck to ALL of you.
3. You designed two of the four stamp sets?! You go, girl. That is awesome. I can't wait to see your handiwork!
4. That song, "I Know that My Savior Loves Me" is so great, isn't it?
Good work, all around, cute Hannah Banana. Lots of love and cyber hugs to y'all.
love melis
so sorry about the job thing, hannah. oh, how i can totally feel your pain. and i'm so over the school thing too, but it's a necessary evil i guess. it WILL be worth it in the end though. it will. i still have to keep telling myself that, but i think i'm starting to finally believe it... good luck to your family. and congrats on the stamps! very cool.
ReplyDeleteTake heart Hannah. Keep singing with the children and finding things to laugh about. You have a wonderful creative spirit and sometimes we have to be creative to get through the hard parts. And you will get through it, stronger than before!
ReplyDeleteOh Hannah! I am so sorry about your husband's job. I can't believe that! What is he going back to school for?
ReplyDeleteI thinking about you! And your crazy sugar fasting ways.. I'm jealous of your discipline.
You are doing what is right, and in the end things will work out. I know it will. Obdience=blessings, we just have to patient about the Lord's timing. Stay strong and hug your babies a bit more. Enjoy that Red Mango.
ReplyDeleteYou are doing what is right, and in the end things will work out. I know it will. Obdience=blessings, we just have to patient about the Lord's timing. Stay strong and hug your babies a bit more. Enjoy that Red Mango.
ReplyDeleteHannah I'm so sorry about J's job. I've been thinking about you a lot. I think you should come over to my house to break your sugar fast. I'll make you a giant chocolate cake and we'll watch more Conan clips.
ReplyDeleteHannah, I am sorry about your husband's job but things will get better, there is a reason for everything right?
ReplyDeleteI will keep you in my prayers and you pray for me, this coffee situation is driving me crazy :(
So Sorry to hear about your husband. I hope you have time to get out and spedn some time on yourself. I think many of us have been through times like this and can sympathize. We will be thinking and praying for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI love that first snow fall, it feels like a clean slate to me.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about your husbands job!
Hang in there Hannah.... :)
ReplyDeleteI have to confess that every time we (and the kids) sing that song, I tear up as well. I absolutely LOVE that song, especially when sung by little sweet angel voices.
Hang in there! I have to keep telling myself that too! It his hard having a husband going to school..I only see him at night before we put the kids to bed. Know that you are not alone and if you ever need anything I only live 10 min. away and our kids are about the same age! (I don't know if you remember me, I bought some scentsy from you)
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the stamps..that is awesome! Go have some cake :)
Oh that really stinks about your husband loosing his job! But great that he found an alternative so fast. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteSending good thoughts and positive vibes along your way! :)
Feeling like a single mom is hard. You can always have playdates with *this* single mom ;) Beautiful picture!
ReplyDeleteSad your husband lost his job :( I totally know how you feel only seeing him one hour a day. My husband is going to school, applying to pharmacy school and working full time. I see him basically never. It is tough.
ReplyDeleteI love primary kids! They can always bring a smile to your face!
Oh Hannah! SO sorry......I know that sinking feeling when the husband comes home to give that kind of news. I have been taught this lesson over and over again: everything happens for a reason and usually it is because there is something better waiting just around the bend. Thinking of your family! Let me know if there is anything I can do!!
ReplyDeletemy husband and i teach the 6-7 year olds too! and I LOVE that song! it is so touching and just beautiful! sorry to hear about your husbands job... you will make it, though!