Weekend Wrap-up :: Welcome, Fall.

Fall has arrived. Our abnormally warm weather has fleeted and the conditions are now allowing for sweaters. And the heater. I have the heater turned up to 75 degrees. (I have a bad case of cold hands in temperatures under 65 degrees. I hate chilly fingers, and wearing gloves isn't really conducive to productive designing.) Our slight chill has actually been rather perfect. I've been collecting soup recipes, burning fall candles and harvesting squash. I think October is my favorite.

This last weekend past in a blur. On our weekend's docket:

Purse Party.  I attended. I love purses, so I really should be banned from purse parties. I'm proud to report that I came away with ZERO new purses. I was quite pleased with myself. My checkbook is still blank. Just the way it should be right now.

Work. J studied and I worked all Friday. We've combined our offices so we can do this sort of thing together. I love having him only feet away...even if we are busy doing our own thing. J occasionally breaks out a joke to make me smile and liven the too-serious moments.

My Class. Saturday morning was frantic as I prepared the last-minute details for my "Basic Blogger Design" class at Nicole Hill's SLC Art Weekend. Copying, stapling and uploading away. I left with plenty of time to spare and headed for the darling downtown-hotel location. Half way there, my tire blew. COMPLETELY blew. It was scary, and I hate being late. A sweet policeman saved the day, but once I arrived, my new MAC computer didn't have the right plugs for the projector. Seriously, MAC. The class went great, regardless of the comedy of errors. I had some really nice feedback and requests for an advanced class. Am thinking about it.

Corn Maze. J took me to a corn maze that night. We were desperately lost, even though we used the cheater text-for-clues signs. The "30-minute" maze took us a good hour. We decided against trying the hour maze. Who knows if we would have made it out alive.

Family Time. A yummy, made-up recipe that I hope to be able to replicate. (Why don't I ever write my creations down?) On Sunday, we all crashed on the living room floor. All five of us sleeping. It was a perfect ending to a busy weekend.

Am looking forward to a week of no plans. Maybe a weekend getaway is in order. Who knows. Sometimes living on the fly is a thrill. Especially for a girl who tends to over-plan.

Hope your week is lovely.


  1. Loved your class!! I emailed you some questions.

  2. Man! I can't believe you all slept together - I don't think Lou would fall asleep with fun daddy around.
    Sounds like a blur of a weekend for sure! Ugh tire problems!

  3. Purse Parties. That sounds fatal.

    Have you tried fingerless gloves? My sisters swear by them.

  4. I love FALL :) I love the colors !!

  5. I love corn mazes! They are one of my favorite things about fall!

  6. Your class was awesome! Thank you for making html seem less scary. I'm inspired to try to learn a little more on my own, but would love to see you teach another class!


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