On My Mind Today.

 a. LDS General Conference was fantastic and uplifting. Am ready to re-watch many of my favorites. Motivated to be better and do better. The best thing about General Conference is it feels like a new start. I recommit myself to live more fully and be more kind. Hubby was home all weekend, which is better than Christmas for the kiddos. Even Baby D has developed a strong attachment for his sweet daddy. He crawled over to his sleeping-on-the-floor dad and put his cheek on J's cheek to cuddle. It was the cutest Baby D moment to date.

b. A call from my doctor on Friday. Am officially allergic to everything. Well...it feels like everything. Wheat, dairy and eggs. Seriously? I don't even know what to eat. I don't get sick when eating them, it is just causing some severe vitamin deficiencies because the allergies aren't allowing my body to absorb them. I really don't have motivation to avoid them. I don't know what to do.

c. Haven't eaten sugar in 5 weeks. Am excited for this challenge to be over. A few neighborhood friends keep mentioning their trips to Red Mango. I think that will be my first stop when this no-sugar challenge is over. I miss that place.

d. 5 days until the Art Weekend. I have some work to do before I am ready to teach. Am very excited to share my blog-designing knowledge with others.


  1. Oh, my gracious! That is the stinkin', sweetest picture... like ever! So sorry about your allergies. That's awful! I wouldn't know what to eat either. Really... You must eat sugar, though :)!

  2. SO sorry about your allergies! That's just terrible to hear...I'm sure you'll get it all figured out in no time! Props on the no sugar...I did it once for 6 months - then splurged and got SUPER sick...tread cautiously :)

  3. oh goodness, what news to receive about your allergies. i'm sure this will open a door of new ways to cook, bake, and eat. best of luck as you embark on this journey!

  4. Baby D looks adorable. No eggs, wheat and dairy? My goodness, headed to a vegan life? I saw a little of the conference, yes, uplifting is the word, awesome. Thanks for sharing the link with me.

  5. I agree, conference weekends are awesome!

    I'm SO sorry about your allergies. I hear about these allergies everywhere though. There has got to be a big support community out there. If you can stop eating sugar, then you can stop eating gluten!! THAT is willpower! And yes, I definitely recommend Red Mango as a first special treat when you're done with the fast!

  6. It seems to be a HUGE challenge to change your diet, but it can be a little easier than we think. Change wheat products (bread, pasta) to rice and eat lots of veggies and fruit and a little meat. The up side is that I think you might find that it actually simplifies meal prep. Best wishes for a healthy healthy healthy future! :-)

  7. Yeah for conference! What a cute D! Lou also loved having AC home for the weekend. So sad when monday comes again.
    I say don't worry about the allergies! :) Eat em up!
    Can I go to Red Mango with you? We don't have one here - let's plan a trip in December.
    Good luck on the Art Weekend!

  8. Allergies: No problem - at least sugar isn't on the list.

  9. Oh my... Baby D is soooo adorable. Cute cute cuuuute =)

    The allergies suck but I am sure you will find a way to work around them. A friend of mine is allergic to wheat as well, she uses spelt flour instead.

  10. So sorry about the allergies. That totally sucks. It's hard if you don't have immediate reactions...that's cruel deception.
    And wasn't conference AMAZING. I wish it was quarterly. ♥ it.

  11. That pic of D and J is adorable. So sweet. I am so sorry about your allergies, and I can't imagine wanting to comply when you don't really see the effects. I can lend some support with eggs/dairy because that's what I cut with Sam for a while. There were quite a few allergy blogs I came across, I'll have to see if I can find some for you. Good luck at art weekend- you'll be fabulous!

  12. No fun about the allergies. I'm sorry Hannah! Check out Kelly Ripa's books, I'm pretty sure they are wheat free. It will be an adjustment for sure. Hopefully you can find some good recipes that will work for you.

    You've got the cutest little kids! Love his eyes.

  13. @Sarah: You don't even have a choice. We WILL be visiting Red Mango.

  14. So sorry to hear about the allergies. I can completely relate. Been grain free, sugar free, dairy free since January. It was hard in the beginning but now it's just...normal and I feel soooooo much better so keep that in mind as you embark on this new chapter. I'm wishing you well!!!!


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