Harvest Festival.

Early fall in Utah; my favorite time of the year. The weather is perfect, the food is fresh and fabulous, the sunshine is welcomed and abundant. And the smells! Oh, the smells. Utah's fall aroma is second to none.

We celebrated this lovely, late-September weekend by attending a local Harvest Festival. Farmers and artisans from all around the state gathered in one beautiful location for our shopping enjoyment. The produce was out-of-this world beautiful. The pumpkins were ginormous. My kids spent most of their time hanging around the pumpkin boxes, picking out their Halloween pumpkin. They decided white pumpkins are best.

I love these simple, slow days; my family just enjoys each other's company. These are the memories that will matter.

In other news...
:: I finished Harry Potter #5 in 2 days and have started #6. These books are completely addicting. I become immersed. I have to read when my kids are sleeping because I become a none-present-mother when reading. Not just HP books, any book. My imagination puts me right into the book's setting.

:: I am going to be a little bit of an absentee blogger over the next couple weeks as I prepare to teach at the Art Weekend. Please excuse me. I will be back with a giveaway or two, a new stamp release and May I Suggest posts. You won't even miss me.

:: Am impatiently awaiting my allergy test results. They were supposed to be here on Friday. Called this morning with no luck. Hoping for the results by tomorrow. Crossing my fingers. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to live without wheat.


  1. It seems that you had a fun weekend. I love those Market fairs too. Around here has been raining, but I am looking forward for a good weekend weather to go pumpkin picking. Have a great week and good luck with your test results, keep us posted.

  2. charming pictures. Your daughter is such a pretty little thing.

  3. You are making me miss Utah!

  4. Oh my word. I just found your blog, and I am in love!!

  5. http://www.naet.com/subscribers/doctorResults.asp?FromQS=1&db=default&uid=default&City=&State=UT&Zip=&Last=&Country=&Status=on&sb=4&view_records=Search Use this link and check out one of these doctors. We have some family and friends that have been to one in the St. George area and he's really helped them with their allergies. Treatment is based on correcting the "intolerance" our bodies have to different things on the molecular level dealing with the electric charge of the item and our bodies. I'd say give it a try! I'd hate to eliminate wheat from my diet! Good luck

  6. @Pink Little Cake: I hope your weather clears up too!! Pumpkin picking is a favorite fall activity.

    @Anonymous, Maryclayre: Thank you, thank you.

    @Hillary: You need to come back a visit! We miss YOU!

    @The Strattons: I'm bookmarking that link, but hoping I won't need to use it. :)

  7. I love autumn in Utah. I miss it so much. We don't get seasons in my neck of the woods (Southern California), so I am jealous.

    Your daughter is absolutely adorable.

  8. I just wanted to say that your blog is beautiful! Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment on my post :) As a newly wed, who has started to teach herself how to bake, I have found that you can never have too many homemade treats around.

  9. My Daddy is one of those 'Giant Pumpkin Growers'- it's his hobby and that festival is one of his most anticipated days of the year. Good times!

  10. @Cynthia I wish I'd known which one was his! They were amazing.

  11. I can't wait for my first festival for fall. Apple and pumpking picking oh my goodness.

    PS. so glad you found my blog -- I was a follower of yours with my old blog when you were pregnant w/ your last baby and now I've found you again!

  12. Autumn is definitely the best time of year here in WV too. Fall festivals are everywhere & great memories are made.

    Hoping you get good results from the allergist.

  13. I wish our farmer's market was that fallish!! It looks like fall in Utah!! Yay for you, it is still super HOT in Cali!

  14. i am aching for fall...this post was perfect. my husband and i will be moving to Salt Lake City in December, and I cannot wait for 4 seasons!

  15. What a cute blog you have! I LOVE!


  16. I love this season too. And yes, I will miss you! But good luck!

  17. I love days like this too! Your post makes me want to take the kids outside right now :-)

  18. good luck this week!

    Lovely, wonderful shots of your kiddos & those luscious veggies.


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