Lessons on Motherhood.

Picture taken of my husband and 2 oldest kids at a beautiful, local garden. 
I always seem to be behind the lens, so you'll have to pretend it is a picture of me instead of J. :)

I love to watch mothers interact with their children. Different discipline styles and displays of motherly-affection intrigue me. I watch for what works and what doesn’t work. I am a mother-of-three who still is trying to learn to be a mom. You see, these children of mine, they change so quickly. A strategy that worked one month will fail the next. They are smart and changing; I have to be on my toes. I have a feeling that as soon as I figure motherhood out, they will be out of the house. Is that how it goes, experienced mothers? Will I always feel like I don’t know what I am doing?

I have learned a few things about motherhood, though. Here is my very unsolicited advice:

::Sleep is a valuable commodity. Teach your children to sleep. Put them to bed early. Encourage naps. Catch some zzz’s yourself, whenever you can.

::Stop worrying over little things. Kids spill. Kids are loud. Kids are rambunctious. Kids don’t sit still. Let them play. They will grow up too quickly, so enjoy these moments while you can.

::No matter how hard you try, your clothes will not be clean. Your shoulder will never look the same. Avoid black shirts when you have a bouncing, burping baby.

::Take time for yourself. It will make you a better mom if you can step away, even for a moment.

::Get dirty. Play with the playdough/mud/fingerpaints with your children. I promise you’ll see a twinkle in their eye when you do.

::Babies will completely change your body. (I hear that even adopted mothers experience a little body-changing.) Perhaps it is all the goldfish and fruit snacks we consume ourselves. Or maybe it is that you will no longer have the time you once did to think about yourself. Who knows.

::Your children will break something you love. They will. Be prepared. Leave the room and recover before blowing up.

::After a hectic day with a child, sneak a peek at him sleeping. It will soften your heart and remind you of how much you adore that little rascal.

::Don’t forget your spouse. Nurture that relationship. Continue to date. Dress up for your outings like you used to. Wear his favorite perfume. Motherhood shouldn’t make you forget your love.

::Motherhood will change you. These little people will change your dreams. (I dreamed of being a successful business woman in a fast-moving city. Motherhood has made me wish for a slower, quieter life at home.) You will have a newer and better purpose in life.

::Motherhood is a joy. Enjoy the little, everyday things. The chubby fingers. The late night feedings. The darling giggles and trusting eyes. Motherhood is a blessing. There is no greater calling and no love comparable.


  1. Awesome post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. p.s. Where is that park at, if you don't mind me asking? I do photography and would love to do some pics there.

  3. What a great post! These are all things that I have learned in the past 4 years...and it's amazing. I wouldn't trade being a mother for anything in the whole entire world!!
    I have 3 kids, and the oldest is 3 1/2...so I have forgotten the meaning of sleep, clean clothes and exercise - but it's so worth it :) :) :)

  4. Great post Hannah! That park is absolutely GORGEOUS. I really want to go!!

  5. Love the advise. I don't have anything to add, but I'll second everything you said.

  6. Denise: This is in Lehi, Utah.

  7. Great post Hannah! That park is amazing. Lucky to live near that gorgeous place. All that I live near is dirt and sage brush. :(

  8. This post is really great.
    I will keep all that in mind for when I will be a mama someday in the future - actually some of those things I have already learned as an Au Pair for 3 little girls =)

  9. Beautiful, wonderful post. My faves are the points about children breaking something you love; making sure you sneak a peek while they're sleeping; and nurture your marriage. Love it!

  10. These are great pearls of wisdom - I will definitely keep them in mind as motherhood approaches!

  11. Great tips. You are a beautiful mother - I love watching and learning from you. I try to copy as much as possible. :)

  12. Thanks Hannah! So many great things to remember and be thankful for. We really are blessed to be moms.

  13. Perfectly said Hannah!! I am a huge advocate of nurturing marriage, which is why the hubs and I religiously begin bed time routines at 6:45...then we have several hours of alone time. It's the only way I would stay sane!!

    And you are so right about taking a peek at the sleeping babes...that is another one one of our nightly rituals that I look forward to!

  14. Love you list, funny how us moms can relate on almost everything once you have a family! :)

  15. I absolutely loved this post. Thanks!

  16. Loved this, Hannah. You're a great example. So excited to see you!

  17. That was beautiful. I love it. I echo everything you said. I think motherhood is such an honor. We are SO BLESSED!!

  18. i love this post. after being away from my babies for 5 days to go to the CBC, i made a promise to myself to BE.A.BETTER.MOM.

    this post was just the kick in the arse i needed to head in that direction. thanks pretty!

    so nice meeting you.

  19. It is so true! Great thoughts you shared!


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