Baby mine, don't you cry. a month old with colic

Oh, how I adore this little boy! It is amazing; I thought I'd never love another child as much as I did my first, but I've learned there is always room in my heart for one of these cuddly buns. Baby D is 9 pounds of pure precious. I can't help but spoil him with kisses. His cheeks are just that squishable. D is one month old. It is hard to believe. It is really such a joy to be this little one's mother.

I'm not going to lie, though. Baby D isn't perfect. He has tummy problems and is in pain a lot of the time. It breaks my heart. He isn't a screamer, thank heavens, but I can't get this little guy to stop fussing/whinning. I wish I knew how to help him. (If anyone has advise, please let me know!) We are getting little to no sleep around here. Oh, my...we are starting to look & feel like zombies.

Right now, D is having a rare peaceful moment, so I better go enjoy it. Must kiss and squeeze his sweet cheeks while I can.

Oh, by the way, D smiled on Sunday. Sure fire way to melt a mother's heart.



  2. The above address is a recipe for gripe-water, which helps colicky babies. You should give it a try.

  3. I was going to say gripe water as well. For my colicky baby he loved being wrapped very tight and I would put a warm compress on his tummy.

    I hope you find something that helps.

  4. Laying my son on his back and pushing his knees toward his tummy helped relieve a lot of gas. He had tummy problems too.

  5. Thanks Anon and Letti! I am going to try that water.

  6. yep, all of this is what i was going to say... i'm sorry about this, it is heart-breaking to go through... good luck with the sleep :)

  7. He is so beautiful! I'm sorry that he's struggling; that's the worst. Good luck and hang in there.

  8. so cute love him...I think that is why they are made so cute, to help us through the hard times...good luck!

  9. Mwah! I need to kisses those checks in real life.

  10. Two of my kiddos had acid reflux, which manifested as fussiness and projectile spit up. We thought number 4 did too, but medicine didn't seam to help much. We finally figured out she was allergic to milk, including my milk. One thing to try is eliminating ALL milk from your diet (read the labels), give it 72 hours or so, and see if he's better. Hope that helps!

  11. Oh Hannah! My heart skipped a beat over the picture of that beautiful little boy! My little Z was fussy and not sleeping for a good couple of months too until we figured out she had reflux and figured out how to remedy it. Please email me if you want to know/talk more about it. I hope his little tummy starts feeling better soon.

  12. So sweet. Sleeping newborns are the best. They change so fast and it kind of makes me sad!

    All of my kids screamed but had different GI symptoms and it was always remedied by changing their diet, so I can only give diet changing advice. If you want to do the diet elimination to see if he's sensitive to some foods this girl gives a really comprehensive 'how to' on her blog with recipes even. I found it really helpful when my pediatrician asked me to do it for my baby.

    The nursing mother's companion was also pretty helpful, I thought.

    My friends that didn't really change anything but chocolate and onion and garlic, all their babies were fine with it around 3 or 4 months old.

    I am so sorry you are all having a rougher time.

  13. What an adorabale picture. Can't believe he's changed so much in 2 weeks. Wish I was there.

  14. We used gripe water a lot!! Good luck. He is adorabe!

  15. I don't have much personal experience but I have two close friends that had lots of issues with this. One had to wrap her baby with an ace bandage for 6 months or so to help him sleep better. Nice and tight cocoon. :D My other friend took her baby to the chiropractor once or twice a month and he didn't have any tummy troubles after that. Strange things their doctors recommended but worked great for their babies. Good luck! He is adorable!

  16. Acid Reflux for baby #1=medication, gripe water worked for gassy baby #2 & baby #3 couldn't have dairy, beans, pork, gassy veggies....pretty much anything. My suggestion:
    Try gripe water, if it doesn't work, eliminate the dairy for AT LEAST 72 hours, more like a week though if you really want to know. If that doesn't help try eliminate nuts or soy. Hope it improves for you.
    He is TRULY squishable! =)

  17. Oh he is so adorable.
    Hope you will find something that helps him.

  18. He is just precious... I love how you refer to him as D... I have a D too...! That's what we call him as well! Congrats again he's perfect in every way!

  19. These are what worked best for our son: wrapping him a little warmer than you normally would, rubbing his tummy then pumping his legs- it's a great way to get some gas out! Using a soother and putting him tummy down on my arm and rocking or bouncing him that way.

    Hope you find something that works! He is such a cutie!

  20. defintely try gripe water!! its all natural and it works really well! i was hestitant and after i used it when my boy was around 4 wks (just like yours) i was kicking myself for not using earlier!!!
    he's just adorable!

  21. I've been told by a lot of people to use "gripe water". You can buy it at any health store. good luck. He's so cute!

  22. ok, hannah banana, this is going to be fun to compare notes on these darling boys!
    I think I caught some smiles two days ago! YEAHHH!! So much fun!
    I'm so sorry to hear about his little tummy problems. It's so hard when you don't know how to help them! Good luck!
    When Matilda had tummy problems, we would pump her legs too. Also, I'd put her on her tummy for naps on my legs or on my chest to help. Hope you find something to work!

    and these days I feel like I'll never catch up on sleep ever again. Sounds like you are in the same boat with me. :) Ahhh... it's all worth it though, isn't it?!

    Lots of love!

  23. He is absolutely beautiful happy for you. :)

  24. Hi Hannah,
    My youngest had terrible tummy problems for 14 months. Turns out he had/has dairy sensitivities. If you are breast feeding, try cutting out all dairy in your diet (and give it at least 4 -6 days). If you are formula feeding, you might want to check with your doc about soy or other non dairy based formulas. I wish I'd known sooner. We only found out later because we had our natropathic doctor do a blood test to see what was causing his terrible excema that he developed at the age of 2. (Conventional allergy testing showed nothing but sometimes it's a food sensitivity, not an allergy...) He's a happy camper now and the excema has almost completely disappeared!

  25. oh your sweet little man melts my heart...just look at how beautiful he is! happy that you had some four hours sleep stretches...what a gift!
    thank you for the comment on my little spot on the internet...ava is my goddaughter...but i did make her that quilt for her baby present! she is a shining light in my world...
    happy to have found have a new fan in me!

  26. oh he is just darling! i feel your sleep deprivation pain! has simithicone not worked?

  27. precious. I have 5 kids. My #4 was in pain all of the time. I finally agreed to TRY the acid reflux medicine (it's a liquid) because if it's going to work it works immediately. If it's not going to work, you'll know right away. It's not absorbed by the body and can only help. After ONE dose of the medicine, I had a completely different baby. It was amazing!! After much research, I found that GERDS is much more prevalent in babies than has been known in the past. It could possibly be what we call "colic". I had no luck with gripe water with any of the kids. But I did also have luch with NO CHOCOLATE (sniff, sniff) for TWO of them, and with Mylicon drops (that's the simethicone that others have mentioned) with 4 of them.
    You'll get to the bottom of it, I'm sure. Good luck. Sleep when he sleeps!!


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