...crafting books

The fact that I love to craft is old news. I love making things. Turning nothing into something. Making things pretty. I get a high from it.

I've added a few crafting books to my birthday/Christmas wish list. Nothing makes me happier than browsing a pretty book.

Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts: Martha, oh you! The crafting goddess. How could I not want this book? Flipped through it in the book section of Costco a few weeks ago and my head started spinning with excitement.

Bookcraft: Bookbinding: my new hobby. I love it. This book offers great step-by-step projects for the newbie like myself.

Re-Bound: Another bookbinder's paradise. Creating books from recycled and refurbished materials. Swoon.

Pattern and Palette Sourcebook 3: This isn't exactly a crafting book, but almost. Design is a craft. This book offers great insights into pattern and fabulous color schemes. Will come in handy.


  1. love the suggestions! I've added a few to my christmas wish list. :)

  2. I've become quite interested in book binding recently, though I haven't had an opportunity to try it yet. I think I'll be asking for my own copy of the bookcraft book. Thanks for the suggestions.

  3. I recently got the Martha craft book and it's amazing! LOVE it.

  4. Book binding! That's something I haven't dabbled in--thank you for the suggestions. The re-bound book looks especially enticing.


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