...while we were away

We are back from a wonderful trip. Dreamy, actually. We relaxed, reminisced, rejuvenated, and relished each other's company. It was a little strange living without children for a few days, though. A whole lot of thinking about ourselves and being able to go wherever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We forgot what that sort of freedom was like. A big thanks to my sweet sister, Sarah, and her wonderful husband for watching our adorable monsters. I know they can be a handful!
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder." It is true. I missed these two rascals. I couldn't keep myself from wishing they were experiencing the fun with us. (Well...only for a moment. Then I came to my senses.)

That statement is also true for my little guy...although in a different way. I thought my mama's-boy would cling to me when I walked in the door, but he didn't. He clung to his older sister. They have been inseparable. CJ won't leave Sue alone! Instead of our normal morning cuddle, he wants Sue to be the one who holds him. (I am guessing CJ thought we abandoned him. His big sister is his only faithful family member.)

This morning, CJ begged Sue to hold him. His mouth was hurting (darn molars!) and he wanted some comfort. I told him that he was too big, but Sue said, "Mom! I WANT to hold him!" And she did for the next 15 minutes. Ha! After the holding was over, he sat next to her for another 15 minutes with his head on her shoulder. It was funny, sweet and heart warming all at the same time. There is nothing cuter than loving siblings.

I took a picture because this can't last long. Had to document the moment.

***If you are wondering about the hat...I am too. He found it and wore it all day. Even outside in the heat.


  1. How cute! They did play well together while you were gone (minus the biting...) Maybe they will be the best of buds by the time baby boy comes.

  2. So sweet, maybe it will last through their teenage years.haha

  3. Addie wants to hold Sam all the time lately too. It's when she tries to carry him that I get worried. They're too cute!

  4. oh so cute. such a nice way to be welcomed home! that li'l girl of yours looks just like you.

    it was so lovely to meet up. so fun to meet a fellow blogger as sweet as you. next time, we'll definitely have to go get sno-cones for a longer chat.

  5. Hi!
    Your children look adorable! Well done for your sister who volunteered!
    My heart melted as I read about the love of siblings. My son is an only-child and certainly not because that's how we wanted it to be. *sigh*
    Have fun with your family now that you've rested for a while.

    PS. I got to you through Oma's blog; we both signed up for her course.


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