...a simple life

Sometimes I dream of moving to a farm town. Somewhere slower. Simpler. It seems romantic to me. A life someone would have in the movies.

I love to visit my in-laws. They live in small-town Idaho on a beautiful property with an enormous garden and beautiful sugar beet farm behind their yard. I love to sit outside, smell the clean air and freshly cut hay, and listen to the peace. This weekend, as I sat in the rocker on the back porch of their home, I thought of what it would be like to be a non-working woman in a town like that. It seemed like a dreamy idea to me.

We had a beautiful weekend living outside, away from computers and jobs and smog. My kids were in their element: running, jumping and being free. My husband was in heaven in his hometown, away from our "city." I was pampered. Mother-in-law had all the food prepared and beds ready. I came home today relaxed and refreshed. Idaho, I hope it isn't long before I visit again!


  1. Idaho is a charming place, isn't it?

  2. That sounds so peaceful and relaxing.

  3. That's my dream too - just no too far away from a bigger city - with a airport and a yummy restaurant or two.

  4. Maybe we should be neighbors ;)

  5. Sounds relaxing! It is nice to get away every once in a while - especially if someone else is cooking for yoU! :) Enjoy your time there!

  6. Sarah - I think being neighbors is a great idea. ;)

  7. Ahh... I miss Burley.. It really is dreamy being a woman in Burley. I love it.. and miss it so much. Even as a working woman in that town, it is wonderful!!


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