...seventeen weeks

i received an email informing me that i was 17 weeks pregnant today.
this pregnancy is flying by.
even with all the nausea and negative pregnancy symptoms, I still relish every moment
of carrying you with me every where i go.
every little movement and twitch in my tummy is a thrill.
you were stubborn last week; we couldn't tell "what kind of baby" you were.
we'll try again this week
and the next if we need to...cause I can't wait.
i love you, little baby.
I can't wait to meet you.
23 more weeks!


  1. SO CUTE!! Have you seen the tracker thingy? check it out on my friend's site who is pregs

  2. I have seen those. Very fun to keep track!

  3. You are too cute. My belly looks like that after a big meal!

  4. super cute!!

    so did you get anything from Tulle?

  5. Jill...
    I totally did! Thanks for the tip!

  6. You are so cute Hannah! I'm so excited for you!

  7. That's cool, we are about the same weeks along!! If I wasn't having twins, then we might be due around the same time.


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