...per requests

Yes...I do realize that I look more than 14 weeks pregnant. And yes, I know that I am in that awkward stage where no one knows whether I am gaining weight or pregnant. And yes, I know that I am carrying a little high and it looks funny. (What does that mean? Boy? Girl?) And yes...I know that my fingers look short and stumpy in this picture. But hey...you asked for it.


  1. it's so funny how the hormones of a pregnant woman makes her mind go so negative...i am in the same boat and only 10 weeks, but look more like 16+ and still get the weird looks from people (then again it's my fifth and your belly just doesn't look so young anymore at that point). you look just fabulous-carrying high is good, at least your pants still fit! :D

  2. Pregnant Belly pics are my FAVORITE!

  3. You look teeny to me! I'm 22 weeks and I wish I looked like that. :) Keep your chin up. Pregnancy is beautiful even when you feel like you look funny. You're creating another human being and that's pretty awesome, if you ask me.

  4. Oh please - you look great. Stop thinking otherwise.

  5. ditto Sarah. (yes, I totally just said ditto, I'm so stuck in the 90's) You look so dang cute! I can't wait to see the cute little baby that is inside!

  6. If you're carrying high they say it usually means a girl. It worked for me.

  7. You are so teeny and cute. Congrats on the newest little one.

  8. you are so not big! I look that way 5 months post birth, ha ha! hope you are feeling better!

  9. Really cute and funny post! :) I have that bookcase + magazine holders too in the back! I think I'm going to add the drawers to my bookcase this weekend! Love your blog!


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