...rain, rain go away

We have been having unusually cold and rainy weather here in Utah. I have been tempted to turn on the heat, but I knew my husband would think I was crazy, so I have been wearing a coat around the house instead. (Okay, fine. It seriously isn't THAT cold, but I am a wimp. It has been in the 60's, but I am only comfortable in 78 degrees or higher.)

Yesterday, I decided that I needed some chili. I wanted a warming meal! I love my chili recipe, but even more than that...I love my cornbread recipe that accompanies it. A friend of mine gave it to me 8 years ago in college and I have adored it ever since. (My 4-year-old non-eater even loves this. She calls it Corn Cake.)

Delicious Cornbread
1 c. flour
1 c. yellow cornmeal
2/3 c. sugar
1 tsp. salt
3 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 egg
1 c. milk
1/3 c. vegetable oil

You know the drill with quick breads. Dry ingredients first, then mix in the wet. DON'T overmix...it turns into a paste like any of the quick breads out there. Lumps are okay.

I like using a 9" pie pan, but if you prefer square cornbread slices...use an 8x8 pan. It all works. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes.

Eat and Enjoy!


  1. All of this rain made my crave cornbread, I made some yesterday.

  2. Mmmm! I love cornbread but always make it from a box. I am going to try this!

  3. This is the second post I've read about cooking up a 'winter' time soup right now.. I'm with you! too cold and where is my electric heating blanket.. oh yeah right.. we already Put It Away!!

  4. I am going make this today. Thanks for the recipe, girl!

  5. MMMM that cornbread looks delicious!

  6. This was the best cornbread that I've ever ate!! Thanks for sharing these awesome recipes. I'm going to be making the cupcakes today!!

  7. So glad you liked it, Josie!! You'll love the cupcakes!


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