
It is time to think about gardening again! I couldn't be more happy! Last year was my first garden and I had a wonderful mini-harvest. This year, I plan on expanding. My husband built me some short garden boxes. They make the yard and garden look much more tidy than it did last year. (Well...they don't look tidy in the picture below. This was shot while we were in the process of building the boxes.)

My garden plans include:
1. Green Beans
2. Peas
3. Tomatoes (Roma, Cherry and Better Boy...I think)
4. Butternut Squash
5. Jalapeño Peppers
6. Bell Peppers
7. Zucchini
8. Onions
9. Lettuce
10. Carrots (I didn't love my carrots last year. What kind of carrots do you all like?)
11. LOTS of herbs...especially basil. I LOVE fresh basil.
12. Raspberry Bushes. (Thanks to my in-laws who offers to let me transplant some of their bounteous bushed to my house.)
13. Corn

I am a gardening newbie, so please expound your wisdom on me! Any tips for a successful garden? Do you know of good gardening resources? I am ready to learn!


  1. I wish I could give some tips but unfortunately living in a NYC prewar apartment my whole life has done nothing for my potential gardening skills. I do look forward to reading about your gardening adventures.

  2. My mom says that planting marigolds near lettuce keeps the bugs out. She just plants a couple at the end of each row and a few in the middle of each row.

    Good luck!

  3. Make sure you have really good dirt. My parents put manure in their dirt before planting, and they always end up with enough to feed the whole town! Good luck!

  4. I second the marigolds suggestion, and I totally recommend the Square Foot Gardening book by Mel Bartholomew. There are also sq.ft. gardening classes at Thanksgiving Point- we should take one together!

  5. Did your little hobbit tomato plant ever grow last year? Tell me what you learn about carrots, mine were not the best. I know I need to till the dirt deeper though, they were kind of runty.


Thank you for reading! I love hearing what you have to say and appreciate your comments.