...the easiest bread EVER

This isn't the best tasting bread I have ever made, but it is definitely the easiest and fastest. My sister in law, Hilary, introduced me to Pantry Secret's recipe, and I am positive my family will be asking for me to make it again soon. The recipe is a little too sweet for me...and I think it needs a tad bit more salt for flavor. (I think I am trying to compare this to the buttery bread I usually make...) I'll let you know if it makes a difference with my tweaks the next time I make it. But really, with the ease of this recipe, it can't be beat. We ate over half the loaf for dinner tonight, so that should tell you something right there...

Here is the recipe: (Lecithin is the secret ingredient...)

Pantry Secrets Bread Recipe
10 1/2 cups white unbleached bread flour (You can do 1/2 wheat flour if you prefer.)
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tablespoon salt
3 rounded Tablespoons saf-instant yeast
3 Tablespoons liquid lecithin*
4 cups hot tap water

Mix dry ingredients. Add lecithin and water. Mix for 1 minute and check consistency. If dough is too dry, add more water. If dough is too moist, add more flour. Mix for 5 minutes. (Do not add water or flour to the dough after it has finished mixing.) Spray counter and pans with cooking spray. Shape loaves and cover with a dish towel. Let rise 25 minutes. Bake at 350* for 25 minutes.

Recipe makes 4 loaves. Unraised loaves can be frozen for later use. My kitchenaide only allows me enough room to mix 2 loaves at a time, so I half the recipe when I make it.

*Squeeze or pour approximately 3 tablespoons (size of quarters to a half dollar) of lecithin directly into the bowl. Do not measure. You can buy your lecithin from Pantry Secrets for a really great price!


  1. Did you do all white? The half wheat/half white seems to be more flavorful. I'm glad you liked the recipe though! I tell ya... it's fail proof!

  2. I love that recipe! And, I agree with Hilary the half wheat/white is so good!!

  3. I did do all white...so I will have to try the wheat next time.

  4. Mmmmm... I love homemade bread, but I have to admit, I have no clue what lecithin is... Is it a common ingredient? Am I just really that stupid when it comes to baking?

  5. what is the buttery bread recipe you talk about? please reply
    sharonellis16@yahoo.com thank you
    PS sounds like what I'm looking for. A little extra rise in my sourdough bread recipe.


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