Merry Christmas

I first fell in love with this nativity painting by Brian Kershisnik when it was on display at BYU's Museum of Art. It is incredible to see in person. I saw it for the first time with my mom and sister, and all three of us were impressed by it uniqueness. I can imagine myself there, watching the magnificant scene in a humble stable. (At least...I hope I was.)

I wish you all a wonderful and beautiful season with your loved ones and pray we all remember the true meaning of Christmas.

*I will be on Christmas vacation until the 28th. If you need me, please email and I will respond early on Monday.


  1. I love that painting! I remember seeing it at the Museum of Art as well and being so impressed by it. I love this season and wish that it wasn't so commercialized. It's too bad that not everyone can remember the true meaning of Christmas.

    It was fun seeing you guys this last weekend! I hope you have a merry Christmas!

  2. I fell in love with this at Alma's house and put it on my Christmas list this year. Merry Christmas.

    I think the huge wall size painting is at the Springville Museum of Art.

  3. OH MY GOSH! We learned about this picture in Sunday school. Absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for posting it. Merry Christmas!

  4. I got a print of this for Christmas - it's beautiful, isn't it! Hope you had a merry Christmas!

  5. The guy who painted this lives in my in-laws ward (in Provo) and he sent out a card version of this for Christmas. Fun to see it hanging on their door with all the other Christmas cards.

  6. This is such and inspiring painting.Would he let me send it out to my family and friends do you think (non-profit ot course)


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